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Item Code: SM10
Description: 羊肚菌姬松茸湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 40g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM12
Description: 竹蔗茅根湯
Description: Sugarcane Soup Stock
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM13
Description: 養血生化湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM14
Description: 健脾降燥四神湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM15
Description: 蟲草花山藥健胃湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM16
Description: 羅漢果菜乾湯
Description: LoHanKuo&Dehy.C.Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM17
Description: 開胃消脂酸梅湯
Description: Sour Plum Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM18
Description: 南洋正肉骨茶
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM19
Description: 燉雞補品
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM20
Description: 雪耳清心潤肺湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM21
Description: 化痰止咳潤肺湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 5 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 19 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM22
Description: 養生茶樹菇燉雞湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM23
Description: 海底椰清潤湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM24
Description: 花旗參燉雞補品
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM25
Description: 高麗參燉雞補品
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM26
Description: 牛蒡青仁烏豆燉雞湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM27
Description: 十全大補湯料
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM28
Description: 八珍養顏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM29
Description: 花膠消斑養顏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM30
Description: 人參養顏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM31
Description: 清熱排毒養顏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM32
Description: 牛蒡葛根湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM33
Description: 臺灣補血四物湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM34
Description: 烏發補血首烏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM35
Description: 補氣血止頭痛湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 85g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM36
Description: 巴戟杜仲健腎湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM37
Description: 壯腰健腎湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 105g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM39
Description: 霸王清潤止咳湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM42
Description: 蟲草滋補湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM43
Description: 增憶補腦健神湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM44
Description: 補血暖胃羊肉湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 120g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM47
Description: 消暑祛濕湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty: