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Item Code: RI01
Description: 特級黑香米
Description: Black Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI01K
Description: 特級黑香米
Description: Black Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI02
Description: 特級野生黑米
Description: Black Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI02K
Description: 特級野生黑米
Description: Black Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI03
Description: 特級補血紅米
Description: Red Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI03K
Description: 特級補血紅米
Description: Red Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI04
Description: 特級紫米
Description: Milled Purple Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI04K
Description: 特級紫米
Description: Milled Purple Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI05
Description: 特級血糯米
Description: Black Glutinous Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI05K
Description: 特級血糯米
Description: Black Glutinous Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI06
Description: 特級珍珠糯米
Description: Glutinous rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI06K
Description: 特級珍珠糯米
Description: Glutinous rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI07
Description: 特級小麥米
Description: Pelted Wheat
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI07K
Description: 特級小麥米
Description: Pelted Wheat
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 68 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI08
Description: 特級大麥米
Description: Polished Barley
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI08K
Description: 特級大麥米
Description: Polished Barley
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 68 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI10
Description: 特級蕎麥仁
Description: Buckwheat
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI10K
Description: 特級蕎麥仁
Description: Buckwheat
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 68 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI11K
Description: 健康小米(黍米)
Description: Dried Gulong Tribute Millet
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 63 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI11W
Description: 健康小米(黍米)
Description: Dried Gulong Tribute Millet
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 48 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI12K
Description: 糯小米(大黃米)
Description: Foxtail Millet
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI12W
Description: 糯小米(大黃米)
Description: Foxtail Millet
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI13
Description: 紅麴米
Description: Dried Yeast
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 52 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI15
Description: 特級西米
Description: Tapioca Pearl
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI18
Description: 黃金玉米碎
Description: Broken Corn
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI18K
Description: 黃金玉米碎
Description: Broken Corn
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI19
Description: 黃金玉米渣
Description: Corn Powder
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI19K
Description: 黃金玉米渣
Description: Corn Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI20
Description: 黃金玉米麵
Description: Corn Powder
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI20K
Description: 黃金玉米麵
Description: Corn Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI21K
Description: 有機養生黑小米
Description: Black Millet
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 63 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI22K
Description: 黃金谷小米
Description: Dried Gulong tribute millet
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI30K
Description: 補腎烏髮黑五穀
Description: Mill 5 Black Grain Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI31K
Description: 清熱潤肺綠豆百合粥
Description: Mill 6 Grain with Lily Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI32K
Description: 養生高纖十穀米
Description: Mill 10 Grain Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI33K
Description: 紅豆蓮子薏米雜糧粥
Description: Mill 9 Grain and Lotus Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI34K
Description: 山藥南瓜雜糧粥
Description: Mill 6 Grain Pumkin and Yam Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI35K
Description: 元氣女神粥
Description: Mill 5 Grain with Logan Fruit and Goji Berry Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI36K
Description: 蓮子百合糯米粥
Description: Mill 5 Grain With Lotus Nut And Lily Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI37K
Description: 紫薯黑米粥
Description: Mill 7 Grain With Purple Potato
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI40K
Description: 特級純綠豆粉
Description: Dried Pure Mung Bean Flour
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI41K
Description: 特級純黃豆粉
Description: Dried Pure Soybean Flour
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI42K
Description: 特級純小米粉
Description: Dried Pure Millet Flour
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: TRI01K
Description: 泰國養生黑糯米
Description: T. Black Glutinous Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: TRI02K
Description: 泰國補血降脂紅米
Description: Thai Red Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: TRI02S
Description: 泰國補血降脂紅米
Description: Thai Red Rice
Specification: 25kg*1
Qty per Carton: 25
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: TRI04K
Description: 泰國黑米
Description: Thai Black Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: TRI04S
Description: 泰國黑米
Description: Thai Black Rice
Specification: 25kg*1
Qty per Carton: 25
product of Australia

Required Qty: