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Item Code: CT03
Description: 洞庭碧螺春
Description: Green Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT04
Description: 特級西湖龍井
Description: Green Tea
Specification: 150g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT05
Description: 有機雲霧綠茶
Description: Green Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT06
Description: 特級茉莉花茶
Description: Jasmine Green Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTTA09
Description: HAZO茉莉綠茶
Description: Jasmine Green Tea
Specification: 100g*30
Brand: 大觀
Qty per Carton: 30
Qty per layer: 14 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 98 Ctns
product of Taiwan

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTTA12
Description: HAZO台式綠茶
Description: Formosa Green Tea
Specification: 100g*30
Brand: 大觀
Qty per Carton: 30
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of Taiwan

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTTA36
Description: 清香台式綠茶
Description: Formosa Green Tea
Specification: 150g*12
Brand: 大觀
Qty per Carton: 12
Qty per layer: 13 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 130 Ctns
product of Taiwan

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTTA37
Description: 清香高山綠茶
Description: Mountain Green Tea
Specification: 150g*12
Brand: 大觀
Qty per Carton: 12
Qty per layer: 13 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 130 Ctns
product of Taiwan

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTTA38
Description: 清香茉莉綠茶
Description: Fresh Jasmine Green Tea
Specification: 150g*12
Brand: 大觀
Qty per Carton: 12
Qty per layer: 13 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 130 Ctns
product of Taiwan

Required Qty: