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Item Code: BC015A
Description: 恆暉酥角仔
Description: Su Jiao
Specification: 300g*24
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 24
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: BC015B
Description: 恆暉笑口棗
Description: Xiao Kou Zao
Specification: 300g*24
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 24
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA006
Description: 特級糖蓮子
Description: Candied Lotus Nut
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA007
Description: 特級糖蓮藕
Description: Candied Lotus Rhizome
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA008
Description: 特級糖馬蹄
Description: Candied Water Chestnut
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA009
Description: 特級糖姜片
Description: Candied Ginger
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA010
Description: 特級糖橘饼
Description: Candied tangerine(Preserved)
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA012
Description: 特級糖椰角
Description: Candied Coconut
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA013
Description: 特級糖椰片
Description: Candied Sliced Coconut
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA014
Description: 賀禮糖冬瓜
Description: Candied Wintermelon
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA035
Description: 鴻茂瑞士糖
Description: Fruit Candy
Specification: 280g*30
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 30
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA041
Description: 榴蓮奶糖
Description: Durian Milk Candy
Specification: 160g*30
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 30
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CA044
Description: 特製椰子糖
Description: Coconut Candy
Specification: 228g*30
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 30
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHB01
Description: 內蒙古北芪(黃芪)
Description: Milkvetch Root
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHB01S
Description: 內蒙古北芪(黃芪)
Description: Milkvetch Root
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHB02
Description: 特级白术片
Description: Macrocephalae Rhizoma
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHB03
Description: 特级白芷片
Description: Angelica Dahurica
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHB04
Description: 特級白芍片
Description: White Paeony Root
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHC01
Description: 特級夏枯草
Description: Prunella
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHC02
Description: 特級雞骨草
Description: Abrus Herb
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 15 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHC03
Description: 特級北芷草
Description: Sweet Wormwood Herb
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHC05
Description: 特級甘草片
Description: Licorice Root
Specification: 35g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHC05W
Description: 特級甘草片
Description: Licorice Root
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHC06
Description: 特級化痰止咳川貝
Description: Tendrilleave Fritillary Bulb
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHC07
Description: 特級川芎片
Description: Rhizome of Chuanxiong
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHD01
Description: 甘肅當歸頭
Description: Chinese Angelica
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHD02
Description: 甘肅當歸片
Description: Sliced Chinese Angelica
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 45 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHD03
Description: 特級生地片
Description: Rehmannia Rhizome
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 54 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHD04
Description: 特級熟地片
Description: Rehmannia Rhizome
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHD05
Description: 特級綿麥冬
Description: Radix Ophiopogonis
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 94 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHD06
Description: 壯腰杜仲絲
Description: Eucommia Bark
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHF01
Description: 祛濕土茯苓
Description: Smilacis Glabrae
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHF02
Description: 特級雲南茯苓(雲苓)
Description: Dried tuckahoe
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHG01
Description: 特級白茅根
Description: Lalang Grass Rhizome
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 15 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH01
Description: 特級杭白菊
Description: Chrysanthemum
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH01S
Description: 特級杭白菊
Description: Chrysanthemum
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 8 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH02
Description: 特級黃山貢菊
Description: Chrysanthemum
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH03
Description: 特級河南金銀花
Description: Honey Suckle
Specification: 30g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 50 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH05
Description: 特級玫瑰花
Description: Rose Tea
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH06
Description: 特級海底椰
Description: Sea Coconut
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH07
Description: 特級胎菊王
Description: Chrysanthemum
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH08
Description: 特級新會蟲草花
Description: Cordyceps Sinensis
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH08E
Description: 特級新會蟲草花
Description: Cordyceps Sinensis
Specification: 250g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHH09
Description: 特级野生黄芩
Description: Radix Scutellariae(Huang qin)
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHL05
Description: 廣西羅漢果
Description: Momordica Fruit
Specification: 3pcs*30
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 30
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHM01
Description: 祛風補腦天麻片
Description: Gastrodia Tuber
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHN01
Description: 特級牛蒡根
Description: Burdock Root
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHQ01
Description: 特級田七片(三七)
Description: Notoginseng Root
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS09
Description: 生曬白參鬚
Description: White Ginseng(Root)
Specification: 40g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS10
Description: 美國花旗參枝
Description: Ginseng(Root)
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS11
Description: 美國花旗參片
Description: Sliced Ginseng(Root)
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS12
Description: 補氣益脾太子參
Description: TAI ZI SHEN
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 80 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS13
Description: 特級紫丹參片
Description: Danshen(Root)
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS15
Description: 特級紋黨參
Description: Dang Shen(Root)
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS15S
Description: 特級紋黨參
Description: Dang Shen(Root)
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS16
Description: 特級北沙參
Description: Glehnia Root
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS16S
Description: 特級北沙參
Description: Glehnia Root
Specification: 300g *10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 32 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS17
Description: 特級山楂乾
Description: Dried Hawthorn
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS17K
Description: 特級山楂乾
Description: Dried Hawthorn Fruit
Specification: 20kg*1
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS18
Description: 特級首烏片
Description: Tuber Fleeceflower
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHS21
Description: 正宗鐵皮石斛(楓鬥)
Description: Dendrobium Stem
Specification: 37.5g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHW01
Description: 特級五指毛桃
Description: Dried Hairy Fig Slice
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHX01
Description: 清潤雪梨乾
Description: Dried Pear Pieces
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHY01
Description: 特級綿茵陳
Description: Herb Of Virgate
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHY04R
Description: 紅色捆粽繩
Description: Cotton Cord
Specification: 100M
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CHZ01
Description: 特級大海子
Description: Sterculia
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT01
Description: 消脂减肥安化黑茶
Description: Dark Tea
Specification: 200g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT02
Description: 武夷山大紅袍(烏龍茶)
Description: Wuyi Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea
Specification: 100g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT03
Description: 洞庭碧螺春
Description: Green Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT04
Description: 特級西湖龍井
Description: Green Tea
Specification: 150g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT05
Description: 有機雲霧綠茶
Description: Green Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT06
Description: 特級茉莉花茶
Description: Jasmine Green Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT07
Description: 特級祁門紅茶
Description: Black Tea
Specification: 100g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT08
Description: 特级正山小种红茶
Description: Black Tea
Specification: 120g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT09
Description: 雲南普洱茶
Description: Pu Erh Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT10
Description: 安溪鐵觀音
Description: Oolong Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT11
Description: 特級新會小青柑
Description: Mandarin Orange Pu Erh Tea
Specification: 180g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CT12
Description: 鴨屎香單叢茶
Description: Yashixiang Dan Cong Oolong Tea
Specification: 80g*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL01
Description: 純天然法國墨紅玫瑰
Description: Rose Tea
Specification: 15g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL02
Description: 清肝養顏茉莉花茶
Description: Jasmine
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL03
Description: 益氣降壓牡丹球
Description: Peony Flowder
Specification: 30g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL04
Description: 美白養顏桂花茶
Description: Osmanthus
Specification: 20*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL05
Description: 消斑養顏洛神花茶
Description: Roselle
Specification: 35g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL06
Description: 消暑养肝胎菊皇
Description: Chrysanthemum
Specification: 30g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL07
Description: 雲南野生金邊玫瑰
Description: Rose Tea
Specification: 30g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL08
Description: 清熱解毒黃金貢菊
Description: Chrysanthemum
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 48 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL09
Description: 野生黑枸杞皇
Description: Black Goji Berries
Specification: 25g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL10
Description: 養顏解毒天山雪菊
Description: Chrysanthemum
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL11
Description: 貢品金絲皇菊
Description: Chrysanthemum
Specification: 10g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL12
Description: 鎮靜止咳百合花
Description: Easter Lily
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL13
Description: 消炎抗菌金盞花
Description: Pot Marigold
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL14
Description: 清肺潤燥桑葉茶
Description: Mulberry Leaf
Specification: 40g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL15
Description: 特級法國玫瑰花
Description: Rose Tea
Specification: 30g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL16
Description: 特级牛蒡茶
Description: Burdock Tea
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL17
Description: 特級甘草茶(粒)
Description: Licorice Root
Specification: 70g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL18
Description: 特級桑葚乾
Description: Dried Mulberry(Fruit)
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL19
Description: 益氣活血人參花茶
Description: Dried Ginseng Flower
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL20
Description: 養生補氣黃芪茶
Description: Huangqi
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL21
Description: 疏肝降火蓮心茶
Description: Lotus Plumule Tea
Specification: 30g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL22
Description: 清熱解毒苦瓜茶
Description: Bitter melon Tea
Specification: 30*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL23
Description: 降脂降糖絞股藍茶
Description: Jiao Gu Lan Tea
Specification: 40*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL25
Description: 降血脂田七參花茶
Description: Sanchi flower
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: CTFL30
Description: 補血益氣紅棗茶
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB01
Description: 青仁烏豆
Description: Black Beans(Green Kernel)
Specification: 375g*50
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 50 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB01K
Description: 青仁烏豆
Description: Black Bean (Green Kernel)
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB02
Description: 澳洲特級紅豆
Description: Australia Adzuki Bean
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB02K
Description: 澳洲紅豆
Description: Australia Adzuki Bean
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB03
Description: 美國紅腰豆
Description: American Red Kidney Bean
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB03K
Description: 美國紅腰豆
Description: American Red Kidney Bean
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB04
Description: 澳洲綠豆
Description: Australia Mung Bean
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB04K
Description: 澳洲綠豆
Description: Australia Mung Bean
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB05
Description: 美國黑豆
Description: American Turtle Bean
Specification: 375g*50
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB05K
Description: 美國黑豆
Description: American Turtle Bean
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB06
Description: 特級去皮開邊綠豆
Description: Australia Skinless Split Mung Bean
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB06K
Description: 去皮開邊綠豆
Description: Australia Skinless Split Mung Bean
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB07
Description: 美國白眉豆
Description: USA Black Eyed Bean
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB07K
Description: 美國白眉豆
Description: USA Black Eyed Bean
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB08
Description: 澳洲黃豆
Description: Australia Soy Bean
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB08K
Description: 澳洲黃豆
Description: Australia Soy Bean
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB09
Description: 赤小豆
Description: Rice Bean
Specification: 150g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB09K
Description: 特級赤小豆
Description: Rice Bean
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB09S
Description: 赤小豆
Description: Rice Bean
Specification: 20kg*1
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 75 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB10
Description: 白扁豆
Description: White Hyacinth Bean
Specification: 150g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB10S
Description: 白扁豆
Description: White Hyacinth Bean
Specification: 20kg*1
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB11
Description: 紅衣珠豆花生
Description: Australia Dried Peanut
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB11K
Description: 紅衣珠豆花生
Description: Australia Dried Peanut
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB12
Description: 澳洲有衣花生
Description: Australia Dried Peanut
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB12K
Description: 澳洲有衣花生
Description: Australia Dried Peanut
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB13
Description: 去衣花生
Description: Blanched Peanut
Specification: 375g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB13K
Description: 去衣花生
Description: Blanched Peanut
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB14
Description: 越南特級腰果
Description: Cashew Kernel
Specification: 200g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB15
Description: 美國核桃肉
Description: USA Walnut Kernel
Specification: 100g*100
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB15W
Description: 美國特級核桃肉
Description: USA Walnut Kernel
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB27
Description: 圓枝腐竹
Description: Dried Bean Curd Stick
Specification: 150g*40
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB28
Description: 三邊腐竹
Description: Dried Bean Curd Pieces
Specification: 150g*40
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 50 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB31
Description: 純豆腐竹枝
Description: Dried Bean Curd Stick
Specification: 180g*40
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB32
Description: 純豆腐竹結
Description: Dried Bean Curd Knot
Specification: 200g*40
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB34
Description: 腐竹片
Description: Dried Slice Bean Curd
Specification: 150g*40
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB35
Description: 響鈴卷
Description: Fried Bean Curd
Specification: 150g*16
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 16
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB36
Description: 炸豆皮
Description: Fried Bean Curd Sheet
Specification: 150g*16
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 16
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DB37
Description: 炸腐竹
Description: Fried Bean Curd
Specification: 150g*16
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 16
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD02
Description: 特級金絲蜜棗
Description: Dried Honey Date
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD02S
Description: 特級金絲蜜棗
Description: Dried Honey Date
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD03
Description: 梧州蜜棗
Description: Dried Honey Date
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD03S
Description: 梧州蜜棗
Description: Dried Honey Date
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD04
Description: 特級雞心棗肉乾
Description: Sliced Red Date
Specification: 300g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD05
Description: 去核雞心棗
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 150g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD05S
Description: 去核雞心棗
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 300g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 32 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD06
Description: 有核雞心棗
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 150g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD06S
Description: 有核雞心棗
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 300g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 32 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD07S
Description: 特級大紅棗
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 300g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD09
Description: 特級黑棗
Description: Dried Black Date
Specification: 150g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD09S
Description: 特級黑棗
Description: Dried Black Date
Specification: 300g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 54 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD10S
Description: 新疆珍珠棗
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 300g*50
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DD11S
Description: 宮廷新疆和田玉枣
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 300g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF01
Description: 燕窩雪耳
Description: Snow Fungus
Specification: 60g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF01K
Description: 燕窩雪耳(软糯,養顏潤肺)
Description: Snow Fungus
Specification: 1kg*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 8
Qty per layer: 3 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 9 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF01S
Description: 燕窩雪耳(软糯,養顏潤肺)
Description: Snow Fungus
Specification: 300g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 16 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF02
Description: 特级黄金菇(榆黄菇)
Description: Citrine pleurotus
Specification: 60g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF03
Description: 臺灣白背黑木耳塊
Description: Black Fungus
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF03K
Description: 臺灣白背黑木耳塊
Description: Black Fungus
Specification: 1kg*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 10
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 14 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF03W
Description: 臺灣白背黑木耳塊
Description: Black Fungus
Specification: 500g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF04
Description: 臺灣白背黑木耳絲
Description: Sliced Black Fungus
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 17 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF04K
Description: 臺灣白背黑木耳絲
Description: Sliced Black Fungus
Specification: 1kg*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 10
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF04W
Description: 臺灣白背黑木耳絲
Description: Sliced Black Fungus
Specification: 500g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 16 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF05
Description: 單叢野生雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 85g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 3 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 9 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF05E
Description: 單叢野生雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF05S
Description: 單叢野生雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 42.5g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 16 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF05W
Description: 單叢野生雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 500g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 16 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF06
Description: 特級東北雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF06E
Description: 特級東北雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF06K
Description: 特級東北雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 1kg*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 10
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 18 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF06W
Description: 特級東北雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF06WB
Description: 特級東北雲耳
Description: Natural Black Fungus
Specification: 500g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 14 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF07
Description: 天然銀耳
Description: Natural Snow Fungus
Specification: 75g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF07Y
Description: 天然銀耳
Description: Natural Snow Fungus
Specification: 100g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF08
Description: 野生竹蓀
Description: Dried Bamboo Fungus
Specification: 25g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 14 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF08Y
Description: 野生竹蓀
Description: Dried Bamboo Fungus
Specification: 100g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 14 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF09E
Description: 天然厚冬菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF09SQW
Description: 天然厚冬菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 375g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 3 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 9 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF10
Description: 天然厚冬菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 3 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 9 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF10K
Description: 天然厚冬菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 1kg*12
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 12
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF11
Description: 天然茶花菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 3 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 9 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF11E
Description: 天然茶花菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF11SQW
Description: 天然茶花菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 375g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF12
Description: 天然金錢菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 17 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF12E
Description: 天然金錢菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF12K
Description: 天然金錢菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 1kg*12
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 12
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF12SQW
Description: 天然金錢菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 375g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 15 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF13B
Description: 天然冬菇絲
Description: Sliced Mushroom
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 3 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 9 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF14E
Description: 特级日本香菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF15A1W
Description: 日本天白花菇 (3.5-4.2cm)
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 400g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 3 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 9 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF15A2W
Description: 天白花菇 (2.8-3.5cm)
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 400g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF16
Description: 原木珍珠花菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF18E
Description: 原木野生白花菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF18Y
Description: 原木野生白花菇
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 3 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 9 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF19
Description: 特级羊肚菌
Description: Dried Morel
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF20
Description: 天然香信
Description: Shiitake Mushroom
Specification: 100g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF21
Description: 野生茶樹菇
Description: Dried Mushroom
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF21E
Description: 野生茶樹菇
Description: Dried Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF23
Description: 特級草菇
Description: Dried Straw Mushroom
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF25
Description: 姬松茸
Description: Agaricus blazei Mushroom
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF25E
Description: 姬松茸
Description: Agaricus blazei Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF26
Description: 鹿茸菇
Description: Velvet antler mushroom
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF26Y
Description: 鹿茸菇
Description: Velvet antler mushroom
Specification: 100g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF27
Description: 牛肝菌
Description: Dried porcini mushroom
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF27Y
Description: 牛肝菌
Description: Dried porcini mushroom
Specification: 100g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF28E
Description: 猴頭菇
Description: Monkeyhead Mushroom
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DF30
Description: 特級玉木耳
Description: Cloud Ear Fungus
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV01
Description: 去衣南杏
Description: South Apricot Kernel
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV01S
Description: 去衣南杏
Description: South Apricot Kernel
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV02
Description: 去衣北杏
Description: North Apricot Kernel
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV02S
Description: 去衣北杏
Description: North Apricot Kernel
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV03
Description: 龍皇大南杏
Description: Grand South Apricot Kernel
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV03S
Description: 龍皇大南杏
Description: Grand South Apricot Kernel
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV04
Description: 龍皇大北杏
Description: Grand North Apricot Kernel
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV04S
Description: 龍皇大北杏
Description: Grand North Apricot Kernel
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV05
Description: 福建通心白蓮
Description: Lotus Nut
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV05S
Description: 福建通心白蓮
Description: Lotus Nut
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV06
Description: 開邊湘蓮
Description: Split Lotus Nut
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 13 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 76 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV06S
Description: 開邊湘蓮
Description: Split Lotus Nut
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV07
Description: 肇慶茨實
Description: Fox Nut
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 88 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV07S
Description: 肇慶茨實
Description: Fox Nut
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV08
Description: 河南淮山
Description: Chinese Yam
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV08S
Description: 河南淮山
Description: Chinese Yam
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV09
Description: 無硫淮山
Description: Chinese Yam
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV09K
Description: 無硫淮山
Description: Chinese Yam
Specification: 2.5kg*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV09S
Description: 無硫淮山
Description: Chinese Yam
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV10
Description: 寧夏枸杞皇
Description: Goji Berries
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV10S
Description: 寧夏枸杞皇
Description: Goji Berries
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 53 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV11
Description: 特級玉竹
Description: Polygonati Odorati
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV11S
Description: 特級玉竹
Description: Polygonati Odorati
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV13S
Description: 2級龍牙百合皇
Description: Dried Lily Bulb
Specification: 300g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV14
Description: 龍牙百合
Description: Dried Lily Bulb
Specification: 85g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV14S
Description: 龍牙百合
Description: Dried Lily Bulb
Specification: 300g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV15
Description: 特級生薏米
Description: Dried Pearl Barley
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV15W
Description: 特級生薏米
Description: Dried Pearl Barley
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV16
Description: 特級洋薏米
Description: Dried Pearl Barley
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 66 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV16W
Description: 特級洋薏米
Description: Dried Pearl Barley
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV17
Description: 砂爆熟薏米
Description: Roasted Pearl Barley
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV19
Description: 生曬無花果
Description: Sun Dried Figs
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV20
Description: 中國龍眼肉乾
Description: Dried Longan Fruit
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV20S
Description: 中國龍眼肉乾
Description: Dried Longan Fruit
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV20Z
Description: 有殼龍眼乾(桂圓)
Description: Dried Longan Fruit
Specification: 200g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV21
Description: 泰國龍眼肉乾
Description: Thai Longan Fruit
Specification: 80g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 49 Ctns
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV21S
Description: 泰國龍眼肉乾
Description: Thai Longan Fruit
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV22
Description: 一級100% 純發菜
Description: Black Moss
Specification: 20g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV22W
Description: 一級100% 純發菜
Description: Black Moss
Specification: 50g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV22Y
Description: 一級100% 純發菜
Description: Black Moss
Specification: 100g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV23
Description: 清補涼
Description: Dried Assorted Vegetable
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV24
Description: 五花茶
Description: Ng Far Char Soup
Specification: 85g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 5 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 19 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV26
Description: 祛濕料
Description: Chyu Shih Liao Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 16 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV27
Description: 特級栗子肉乾
Description: Dried Chestnut
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 49 Ctns
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV29
Description: 蓮藕乾
Description: Dried Lotus Root
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV30
Description: 粉葛乾
Description: Kudzuvine Root
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV31
Description: 原色金針菜
Description: Dried Natural Lily Flower
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV31S
Description: 原色金針菜
Description: Dried Lily Flower
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV33
Description: 特級荔枝乾
Description: Dried Lychee Fruit
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV34
Description: 生曬霸王花
Description: Natural Sword Blossom
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV35
Description: 鮮乾白菜乾
Description: Dried Bak Choy
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 15 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV36
Description: 生曬矮腳江門白菜乾
Description: Dried Bak Choy
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV38
Description: 天然野生無沙紫菜
Description: Dried Seaweed
Specification: 90g*6*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 24
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 16 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV38W
Description: 天然野生無沙紫菜
Description: Dried Seaweed
Specification: 50g*40
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 5 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 20 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV39
Description: 無沙爽嫩裙帶菜
Description: Dried Sea mustard
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV39WS
Description: 無沙爽嫩裙帶菜
Description: Dried Sea mustard
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV41
Description: 特級海帶結
Description: Dried Seaweed Knot
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV41W
Description: 水洗海帶結
Description: Dried Seaweed Knot
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV42
Description: 特級海帶絲
Description: Sliced Dried Seaweed
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV42W
Description: 水洗海帶絲
Description: Sliced Dried Seaweed
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV43
Description: 特級海帶片
Description: Dried Seaweed
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV43W
Description: 水洗海帶片
Description: Dried Seaweed
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV46
Description: 黑芝麻
Description: Black Sesame
Specification: 100g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV46K
Description: 黑芝麻
Description: Black Sesame
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV46S
Description: 黑芝麻
Description: Black Sesame
Specification: 15kg*1
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 15
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 44 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV46W
Description: 黑芝麻
Description: Black Sesame
Specification: 500g*10*3
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 30
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 45 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV47
Description: 白芝麻
Description: White Sesame
Specification: 100g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV47K
Description: 白芝麻
Description: White Sesame
Specification: 1Kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV47W
Description: 白芝麻
Description: White Sesame
Specification: 500g*10*3
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 30
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV49
Description: 特級熟脫皮芝麻
Description: Roasted Skinless Sesame
Specification: 100g*10*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 80
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 81 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV49W
Description: 特級熟脫皮芝麻
Description: Roasted Skinless Sesame
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 81 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV50
Description: 安徽濃香黑芝麻
Description: Roasted Black Sesame
Specification: 100g*10*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 80
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 81 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV50W
Description: 安徽濃香黑芝麻
Description: Roasted Black Sesame
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 81 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV51
Description: 100%純黑芝麻粉
Description: R. Black Sesame Powder
Specification: 100g*10*8
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 80
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 81 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV51W
Description: 100%純黑芝麻粉
Description: R. Black Sesame Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 81 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV58
Description: 野生黑枸杞
Description: Black Goji Berries
Specification: 37.5g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV59
Description: 滋陰養顏天然桃膠
Description: Peach Gum
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV60
Description: 純天然養顏潤肺雪蓮子
Description: Honey Locust
Specification: 120g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: DV61
Description: 純天然雪燕窝
Description: Tragacanth(Gum)
Specification: 100g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW001
Description: 特級甘草梅
Description: Preserved Licorice Plum
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW003
Description: 特級化核話梅
Description: Pitted Preserved Plum
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW004
Description: 冰涼小梅子
Description: Preserved Mint Plum
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW005
Description: 特級情人梅
Description: Preserved Plum
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW006
Description: 特級九製陳皮
Description: Preserved Orange Peel
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW009
Description: 特級化核梅條
Description: Sliced Preserved Plum
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW010
Description: 臺灣話梅皇
Description: Preserved Grand Taiwan Plum
Specification: 60g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW011
Description: 秘製八仙果
Description: Preserved Fruits
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 94 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW012
Description: 清潤話梅肉
Description: P. Mint Prune
Specification: 40g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 75 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW013A
Description: 北京梅肉
Description: Preserved Bei Jing Plums
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW015
Description: 大甘草李餅
Description: Preserved Licorice Prune
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW016
Description: 九制香草欖
Description: Preserved vanilla Olive
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW017
Description: 特級無花果絲
Description: Preserved Sliced Green Papaya
Specification: 60g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW018
Description: 化核甘草梅
Description: Pitted Preserved Licorice Plum
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW019
Description: 開胃生津酸梅粒
Description: Preserved Plum Diced
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW020
Description: 薄荷陳皮條
Description: Preserved Mint Orange Peel
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW021
Description: 純手工薑汁糖
Description: Ginger Candy
Specification: 120g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW022
Description: 純手工麥芽薑糖
Description: Ginger Candy
Specification: 120g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW027
Description: 特級芒果乾
Description: Preserved Mango
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW028
Description: 特級鹹甘草欖
Description: Preserved Licorice Olive
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW029
Description: 無核橄欖條
Description: Preserved Licorice Olive
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW037
Description: 健康原色糖冬瓜
Description: Candied Wintermelon
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW039
Description: 恭城柿餅
Description: Dried Persimmon
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: FW052
Description: 特級甜話梅
Description: P. Sweet Prune
Specification: 60g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 55 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PN01A
Description: 特級甘草黑瓜子
Description: Licorice Roasted Black Melon Seeds
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PN01B
Description: 特級酱油黑瓜子
Description: Soy Glazed Roasted Black Melon Seeds
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PN03A
Description: 特級原味南瓜子
Description: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PN03B
Description: 特級椒盐南瓜子
Description: Salt & Pepper Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PN04A
Description: 珍珠原味小南瓜子
Description: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PN04B
Description: 珍珠椒盐小南瓜子
Description: Salt & Pepper Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PN05
Description: 富贵宁夏红瓜子
Description: Roasted Red Watermelon Seeds
Specification: 200g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PVC01
Description: 特級風味豆豉
Description: Fermented Black Bean
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PVC02
Description: 惠州甜梅菜芯
Description: Preserved Vegetable
Specification: 375g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 62 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PVC03
Description: 傳統醃制大頭菜
Description: Preserved Vegetable
Specification: 400g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: PVC05
Description: 特級油欖角
Description: Salted Olive
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RC01
Description: 消脂烤麩乾
Description: Bran Dough
Specification: 200g*40
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI01
Description: 特級黑香米
Description: Black Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI01K
Description: 特級黑香米
Description: Black Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI02
Description: 特級野生黑米
Description: Black Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI02K
Description: 特級野生黑米
Description: Black Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI03
Description: 特級補血紅米
Description: Red Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI03K
Description: 特級補血紅米
Description: Red Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI04
Description: 特級紫米
Description: Milled Purple Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI04K
Description: 特級紫米
Description: Milled Purple Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI05
Description: 特級血糯米
Description: Black Glutinous Rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI05K
Description: 特級血糯米
Description: Black Glutinous Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI06
Description: 特級珍珠糯米
Description: Glutinous rice
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI06K
Description: 特級珍珠糯米
Description: Glutinous rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI07
Description: 特級小麥米
Description: Pelted Wheat
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI07K
Description: 特級小麥米
Description: Pelted Wheat
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 68 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI08
Description: 特級大麥米
Description: Polished Barley
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI08K
Description: 特級大麥米
Description: Polished Barley
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 68 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI10
Description: 特級蕎麥仁
Description: Buckwheat
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 108 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI10K
Description: 特級蕎麥仁
Description: Buckwheat
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 68 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI11K
Description: 健康小米(黍米)
Description: Dried Gulong Tribute Millet
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 63 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI11W
Description: 健康小米(黍米)
Description: Dried Gulong Tribute Millet
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 48 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI12K
Description: 糯小米(大黃米)
Description: Foxtail Millet
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI12W
Description: 糯小米(大黃米)
Description: Foxtail Millet
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI13
Description: 紅麴米
Description: Dried Yeast
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 52 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI15
Description: 特級西米
Description: Tapioca Pearl
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI18
Description: 黃金玉米碎
Description: Broken Corn
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI18K
Description: 黃金玉米碎
Description: Broken Corn
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI19
Description: 黃金玉米渣
Description: Corn Powder
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI19K
Description: 黃金玉米渣
Description: Corn Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI20
Description: 黃金玉米麵
Description: Corn Powder
Specification: 375g*32
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 32
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 102 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI20K
Description: 黃金玉米麵
Description: Corn Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 70 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI21K
Description: 有機養生黑小米
Description: Black Millet
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 63 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI22K
Description: 黃金谷小米
Description: Dried Gulong tribute millet
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI30K
Description: 補腎烏髮黑五穀
Description: Mill 5 Black Grain Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI31K
Description: 清熱潤肺綠豆百合粥
Description: Mill 6 Grain with Lily Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI32K
Description: 養生高纖十穀米
Description: Mill 10 Grain Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI33K
Description: 紅豆蓮子薏米雜糧粥
Description: Mill 9 Grain and Lotus Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI34K
Description: 山藥南瓜雜糧粥
Description: Mill 6 Grain Pumkin and Yam Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI35K
Description: 元氣女神粥
Description: Mill 5 Grain with Logan Fruit and Goji Berry Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI36K
Description: 蓮子百合糯米粥
Description: Mill 5 Grain With Lotus Nut And Lily Cereal
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI37K
Description: 紫薯黑米粥
Description: Mill 7 Grain With Purple Potato
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI40K
Description: 特級純綠豆粉
Description: Dried Pure Mung Bean Flour
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI41K
Description: 特級純黃豆粉
Description: Dried Pure Soybean Flour
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RI42K
Description: 特級純小米粉
Description: Dried Pure Millet Flour
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RN12
Description: 紅薯寬粉
Description: Sweet Potato Noodles
Specification: 400g*30
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 30
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RN13
Description: 紅薯粉絲
Description: Sweet Potato Noodles
Specification: 400g*30
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 30
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RS01A
Description: 白冰糖
Description: Diamond Rock Sugar
Specification: 375g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RS01B
Description: 原色黃冰糖
Description: Brown Rock Sugar
Specification: 400g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RS05
Description: 水晶單晶糖
Description: Lump Sugar
Specification: 400g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RS06
Description: 原色單晶糖
Description: Lump Sugar
Specification: 400g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RS07
Description: 養生黑蔗糖(100%純正)
Description: Dark Brown Sugar In Pieces
Specification: 454g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: RS08
Description: 補血紅糖(100%純正)
Description: Pure Brown Sugar
Specification: 300g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SEC12
Description: 上海酒餅
Description: Dried Yeast
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF01
Description: 特級生曬瑤柱
Description: Dried Scallop
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF01W
Description: 特級生曬瑤柱
Description: Dried Scallop
Specification: 500g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF02
Description: 特級生曬元貝
Description: Dried Scallop Meat
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF02K
Description: 特級生曬元貝
Description: Dried Scallop Meat(No Shell)
Specification: 15kg*1
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF02W
Description: 特級生曬元貝
Description: Dried Scallop Meat(No Shell)
Specification: 500g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF17
Description: 沙爆貴妃魚肚
Description: Fried Fish Maw
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF41
Description: 特級生曬蝦皮
Description: Dried Shrimp Skin
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF42
Description: 黄金鲜蝦皮
Description: Dried Shrimp Skin
Specification: 80g*10*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 100
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF43
Description: 渤海補鈣鮮蝦皮
Description: Dried Shrimp Skin
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF44
Description: 特級生曬小章魚
Description: Dried Octopus (S)
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF45
Description: 特級生曬大章魚
Description: Dried Octopus (L)
Specification: 120g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF47
Description: 特級生曬柴魚乾
Description: Dried Stock Fish
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF47K
Description: 特級生曬柴魚肉乾
Description: Dried Stock Fish
Specification: 5kg*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF48
Description: 生曬墨魚仔
Description: Dried Cuttlefish
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF49
Description: 特級公魚乾
Description: Dried Salted fish
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF59
Description: 特級小龍膠(魚肚)
Description: Dried Fish Maw
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF60
Description: 特級魚翅邊
Description: Shark Fin
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF64
Description: 生曬金錢魷魚
Description: Dried Squid
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF64K
Description: 特級生曬金錢魷魚
Description: Dried Squid
Specification: 5kg*3
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF67
Description: 生曬鹹魚乾
Description: D.Salted Fish
Specification: 0
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF75
Description: 泰國生曬特級蝦米
Description: Thai Dried Shrimp
Specification: 100g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 80 Ctns
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF75K
Description: 泰國生曬特級蝦米
Description: Thai Dried Shrimp
Specification: 20kg*1
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 54 Ctns
product of Hong Kong

Required Qty:


Item Code: SF77
Description: 鮮味大地魚粉
Description: Dried Flounder Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM10
Description: 羊肚菌姬松茸湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 40g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM12
Description: 竹蔗茅根湯
Description: Sugarcane Soup Stock
Specification: 200g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM13
Description: 養血生化湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM14
Description: 健脾降燥四神湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM15
Description: 蟲草花山藥健胃湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM16
Description: 羅漢果菜乾湯
Description: LoHanKuo&Dehy.C.Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM17
Description: 開胃消脂酸梅湯
Description: Sour Plum Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM18
Description: 南洋正肉骨茶
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM19
Description: 燉雞補品
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM20
Description: 雪耳清心潤肺湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM21
Description: 化痰止咳潤肺湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 5 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 19 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM22
Description: 養生茶樹菇燉雞湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM23
Description: 海底椰清潤湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM24
Description: 花旗參燉雞補品
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM25
Description: 高麗參燉雞補品
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM26
Description: 牛蒡青仁烏豆燉雞湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM27
Description: 十全大補湯料
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM28
Description: 八珍養顏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM29
Description: 花膠消斑養顏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM30
Description: 人參養顏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM31
Description: 清熱排毒養顏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM32
Description: 牛蒡葛根湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM33
Description: 臺灣補血四物湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM34
Description: 烏發補血首烏湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM35
Description: 補氣血止頭痛湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 85g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM36
Description: 巴戟杜仲健腎湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM37
Description: 壯腰健腎湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 105g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM39
Description: 霸王清潤止咳湯
Description: Traditional Natural Chinese Soup Mix
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM42
Description: 蟲草滋補湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM43
Description: 增憶補腦健神湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM44
Description: 補血暖胃羊肉湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 120g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SM47
Description: 消暑祛濕湯
Description: Natural Chinese Soup
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 12 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SNC01
Description: 香糯白玉米
Description: Cooked Corn
Specification: 1pcs*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SNC03
Description: 甜糯花玉米
Description: Cooked Corn
Specification: 1pcs*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SNC05
Description: 超甜水果玉米
Description: Cooked Corn
Specification: 1pcs*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SNC45B
Description: 雪耳米露
Description: Fermented Rice Pudding With Snow Fungus
Specification: 430g*15
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 15
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SNC45C
Description: 桂花米露
Description: Fermented Rice Pudding With Osmanthus Flower
Specification: 430g*15
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 15
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SNC45E
Description: 枸杞米露
Description: Fermented Rice Pudding With Goji Berries
Specification: 430g*15
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 15
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SNC45F
Description: 桑葚米露
Description: Fermented Rice Pudding With Mulberry Juice
Specification: 430g*15
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 15
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SNC73
Description: 有機即食免洗鮮甜珍珠健康紅棗
Description: Dried Red Date
Specification: 300g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP01
Description: 特級沙薑粉
Description: Ginger Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP01K
Description: 特級沙薑粉
Description: Ginger Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP01W
Description: 特級沙薑粉
Description: Ginger Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP02W
Description: 特級老薑粉
Description: Dried Ginger
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP03
Description: 特級南薑粉
Description: Galangal Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP03W
Description: 特級南薑粉
Description: Galangal Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP04
Description: 特級白胡椒粉
Description: White Pepper Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP04K
Description: 特級白胡椒粉
Description: White Pepper Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP04W
Description: 特級白胡椒粉
Description: White Pepper Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 54 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP05
Description: 特級五香粉
Description: Five Spice Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 71 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP06
Description: 特級桂皮粉
Description: Cinnamon powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP06K
Description: 特級桂皮粉
Description: Cinnamon Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP06W
Description: 特級桂皮粉
Description: Cinnamon powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP07
Description: 特級八角粉
Description: Star Anise Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP07K
Description: 特級八角粉
Description: Star Anise Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 52 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP07W
Description: 特級八角粉
Description: Star Anise Powder
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP08
Description: 特級甘草粉
Description: Licorice Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP08K
Description: 特級甘草粉
Description: Licorice Powder
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP08W
Description: 特級甘草粉
Description: Licorice Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP09
Description: 特級花椒粉
Description: Schezwan Pepper Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP09W
Description: 特級花椒粉
Description: Schezwan Pepper Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP10
Description: 特級香茅粉
Description: Lemongrass Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP10W
Description: 特級香茅粉
Description: Lemongrass Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP11
Description: 特級陳皮粉
Description: Orange Peel Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP11W
Description: 特級陳皮粉
Description: Orange Peel Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 54 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP12
Description: 特級黑胡椒粉
Description: Black Pepper Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP12W
Description: 特級黑胡椒粉
Description: Black Pepper Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP13
Description: 特級孜然粉
Description: Cummin Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP13W
Description: 特級孜然粉
Description: Cummin Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP14
Description: 特級丁香粉
Description: Clove Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 64 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP15
Description: 特級小茴香粉
Description: Fennel Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP16
Description: 特級芫茜粉
Description: Coriander Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP17
Description: 特級咖哩粉
Description: Curry Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP18
Description: 特級辣椒粉
Description: Red Chilli Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP18W
Description: 特級辣椒粉
Description: Red Chilli Powder
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 54 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP19
Description: 特級黃薑粉
Description: Turmeric Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP19W
Description: 特級黃薑粉
Description: Turmeric Powder
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP20
Description: 特級小玉桂粉
Description: Cinnamon Powder
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP21
Description: 特級洋蔥粉
Description: Dried Onion Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP24
Description: 特級老薑片
Description: Dried Ginger
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP24W
Description: 特級老薑片
Description: Dried Ginger
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP25
Description: 超辣指天椒(辣王)
Description: Super Hot Chilli(fruit)
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP25W
Description: 超辣指天椒(辣王)
Description: Super Hot Chilli(fruit)
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP26
Description: 特級小辣椒乾
Description: Dried Hot Chilli (S)
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP26W
Description: 特級小辣椒乾
Description: Dried Hot Chilli (S)
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 18 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP27
Description: 特級辣椒碎
Description: Crushed Chilli
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 72 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP27W
Description: 特級辣椒碎
Description: Crushed Chilli
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP28
Description: 特級白胡椒粒
Description: White Pepper Corn
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP28W
Description: 特級白胡椒粒
Description: White Pepper Corn
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 44 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP29
Description: 特級黑胡椒粒
Description: Black Pepper Corn
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP29W
Description: 特級黑胡椒粒
Description: Black Pepper Corn
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 48 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP30
Description: 特級黑胡椒碎
Description: Crushed Black Pepper
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 120 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP30W
Description: 特級黑胡椒碎
Description: Crushed Black Pepper
Specification: 500g*10*4
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 40
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP31
Description: 特級大紅八角
Description: Star Anise
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 52 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP31K
Description: 特級大紅八角
Description: Star Anise
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP31W
Description: 特級大紅八角
Description: Star Anise
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP32
Description: 特級桂皮
Description: Cinnamon Bark
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 52 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP32K
Description: 特級桂皮
Description: Cinnamon Bark
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 15 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP32W
Description: 特級桂皮
Description: Cinnamon Bark
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 4 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 15 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP33
Description: 四川漢源貢品花椒
Description: Schezwan Pepper
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 73 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP33K
Description: 特級川花椒
Description: Schezwan Pepper
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP33W
Description: 特級川花椒
Description: Schezwan Pepper
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP33Z
Description: 四川麻辣青花椒
Description: Schezwan Pepper
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 75 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP33ZW
Description: 四川麻辣青花椒
Description: Schezwan Pepper
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP34
Description: 特級草果
Description: Amomum tsao-ko
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 73 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP34K
Description: 特級草果
Description: Amomum tsao-ko
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP34W
Description: 特級草果
Description: Amomum tsao-ko
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP35
Description: 特級丁香
Description: Cloves
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP35K
Description: 特級丁香
Description: Cloves
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP35W
Description: 特級丁香
Description: Cloves
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 36 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP36
Description: 特級沙薑乾
Description: Dried Sand Ginger
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 96 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP36W
Description: 沙薑乾
Description: Dried Ginger
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 10 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP37
Description: 特級小玉桂通
Description: Cinnamon Bark
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 74 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP37S
Description: 特級小玉桂通
Description: Cinnamon Bark
Specification: 300g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP38
Description: 特級芫茜籽
Description: Coriander
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP39
Description: 特級陳皮絲
Description: Citrus Peel
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP40
Description: 特級新會老陳皮
Description: Citrus Peel
Specification: 35g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 35 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP40K
Description: 2級新會舊陳皮
Description: Citrus Peel
Specification: 1kg*10
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 10
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 24 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP40W
Description: 2級新會舊陳皮
Description: Citrus Peel
Specification: 500g*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 28 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP41
Description: 特級孜然籽
Description: Cumin seed
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
Qty per layer: 12 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 60 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP41W
Description: 特級孜然籽
Description: Cumin seed
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP42
Description: 特級小茴香
Description: Fennel
Specification: 80g
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
Qty per layer: 8 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 40 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP42W
Description: 特級小茴香
Description: Fennel
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP45
Description: 特級滷水料
Description: Assorted Spices
Specification: 150g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 6 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 30 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP45W
Description: 特級滷水料
Description: Assorted Spices
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
Qty per layer: 5 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 25 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP46
Description: 特級牛肉湯料
Description: Mix Seasoning
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 7 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 42 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP47
Description: 特級香葉
Description: Bay Leaves
Specification: 20g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
Qty per layer: 11 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 84 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP47W
Description: 特級香葉
Description: Bay Leaves
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP48
Description: 特級白豆蔻
Description: White Cardamom
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP49
Description: 燒滷菜香料
Description: Assorted Spices
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP51
Description: 特級黑豆蔻
Description: Black Cardamom
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP52
Description: 特級細蒜茸
Description: Crushed Garlic(bulb)
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP53
Description: 特級香蒜粉
Description: Dried Garlic Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP54
Description: 特級椒鹽粉
Description: Salt and Chilli Pepper Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP62K
Description: 香炸洋蔥酥
Description: Fried Onion
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP63
Description: 特級黄栀子
Description: Gardenia Fruit
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP63W
Description: 特級黄栀子
Description: Gardenia Fruit
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP64
Description: 特级芥辣籽
Description: Yellow Mustard Seeds
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP64S
Description: 特级芥辣籽
Description: Yellow Mustard Seeds
Specification: 25kg
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 25
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP66
Description: 超細辣椒絲
Description: Dried Sliced Chilli
Specification: 50g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP67
Description: 小米辣椒王(野山椒)
Description: Dried Wild Chilli
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP68
Description: 特香燈籠椒乾
Description: Dried Bell Pepper
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP69
Description: 提色生鮮甜椒粉
Description: Paprika Powder
Specification: 100g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP70
Description: 川香二荊條(高香低辣)
Description: Dried Hot Chilli
Specification: 80g*10*5
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 50
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: SP70W
Description: 川香二荊條(高香低辣)
Description: Dried Hot Chilli
Specification: 500g*10*2
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: TP19
Description: 吊牌掛歷
Description: Calendar
Specification: 0
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 0
Qty per layer: 9 Ctns
Qty per pallet: 57 Ctns
product of China

Required Qty:


Item Code: TRI01K
Description: 泰國養生黑糯米
Description: T. Black Glutinous Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: TRI02K
Description: 泰國補血降脂紅米
Description: Thai Red Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty:


Item Code: TRI04K
Description: 泰國黑米
Description: Thai Black Rice
Specification: 1kg*20
Brand: 恆暉
Qty per Carton: 20
product of Australia

Required Qty: